Separate Atoms
Select only the desired input atoms. The output is bits of geometry, which include the selection and include the inverse of the selected atoms. You can expand the selection to include an entire residue if a single atom in that residue is selected, by setting Whole Residue
to True
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Atoms | Geometry |
Atomic geometry that contains vertices and edges | None |
Selection | Bool |
Selection field for which atoms to separate | True |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Atoms | Geometry |
The selected atoms | None |
Inverted | Geometry |
The non-selected atoms | None |
Index | Int |
Index of the atoms before they were separated | None |
Separate Polymers
Separate the input atomic geometry into it’s different polymers or Protein
, Nucleic Acid
and other
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Atoms | Geometry |
Atomic geometry that contains vertices and edges | None |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Peptide | Geometry |
None | |
Nucleic | Geometry |
None | |
Other | Geometry |
None |
Select Chain
Select single or multiple of the different chains. Creates a selection based on the chain_id
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Chain A | Bool |
Select the atoms in Chain A | True |
Chain B | Bool |
Select the atoms in Chain B | True |
Chain … | Bool |
Select the atoms in Chain … | True |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
The calculated selection | False |
Inverted | Bool |
The inverse of the calculated selection | False |
Select Entity
Select single or multiple of the different entities. Creates a selection based on the entity_id
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Entity A | Bool |
Select the atoms in Entity A | True |
Entity B | Bool |
Select the atoms in Entity B | True |
Entity … | Bool |
Select the atoms in Entity … | True |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
The calculated selection | False |
Inverted | Bool |
The inverse of the calculated selection | False |
Select Ligand
Select single or multiple of the different ligands.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Ligand A | Bool |
Select the atoms in Ligand A | True |
Ligand B | Bool |
Select the atoms in Ligand B | True |
Ligand … | Bool |
Select the atoms in Ligand … | True |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
The calculated selection | False |
Inverted | Bool |
The inverse of the calculated selection | False |
Select Segment
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Segment A | Bool |
Select the atoms in Ligand A | True |
Segment B | Bool |
Select the atoms in Ligand B | True |
Segment … | Bool |
Select the atoms in Ligand … | True |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
The calculated selection | False |
Inverted | Bool |
The inverse of the calculated selection | False |
Select Atomic Number
Select single elements, by matching to the atomic_number
field. Useful for selecting single elements, or combining to select elements higher than 20 on the periodic table.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
atomic_number | Int |
Create a selection based on the inputted atomic number. | None |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
The calculated selection | False |
Inverted | Bool |
The inverse of the calculated selection | False |
Select Element
Select individual elements, for the first 20 elements on the periodic table. For selections of higher elements, use MN_select_atomic_number
. Creating a node which includes more elements becomes too large to be practical.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
H | Bool |
False |
He | Bool |
False |
Li | Bool |
False |
Be | Bool |
False |
B | Bool |
False |
C | Bool |
False |
N | Bool |
False |
O | Bool |
False |
F | Bool |
False |
Ne | Bool |
False |
Na | Bool |
False |
Mg | Bool |
False |
Al | Bool |
False |
Si | Bool |
False |
P | Bool |
False |
S | Bool |
False |
Cl | Bool |
False |
Ar | Bool |
False |
K | Bool |
False |
Ca | Bool |
False |
Sc | Bool |
False |
Ti | Bool |
False |
V | Bool |
False |
Cr | Bool |
False |
Mn | Bool |
False |
Fe | Bool |
False |
Co | Bool |
False |
Ni | Bool |
False |
Cu | Bool |
False |
Zn | Bool |
False |
Ga | Bool |
False |
Ge | Bool |
False |
As | Bool |
False |
Se | Bool |
False |
Br | Bool |
False |
Kr | Bool |
False |
Rb | Bool |
False |
Sr | Bool |
False |
Y | Bool |
False |
Zr | Bool |
False |
Nb | Bool |
False |
Mo | Bool |
False |
Tc | Bool |
False |
Ru | Bool |
False |
Rh | Bool |
False |
Pd | Bool |
False |
Ag | Bool |
False |
Cd | Bool |
False |
In | Bool |
False |
Sn | Bool |
False |
Sb | Bool |
False |
Te | Bool |
False |
I | Bool |
False |
Xe | Bool |
False |
Cs | Bool |
False |
Ba | Bool |
False |
La | Bool |
False |
Ce | Bool |
False |
Pr | Bool |
False |
Nd | Bool |
False |
Pm | Bool |
False |
Sm | Bool |
False |
Eu | Bool |
False |
Gd | Bool |
False |
Tb | Bool |
False |
Dy | Bool |
False |
Ho | Bool |
False |
Er | Bool |
False |
Tm | Bool |
False |
Yb | Bool |
False |
Lu | Bool |
False |
Hf | Bool |
False |
Ta | Bool |
False |
W | Bool |
False |
Re | Bool |
False |
Os | Bool |
False |
Ir | Bool |
False |
Pt | Bool |
False |
Au | Bool |
False |
Hg | Bool |
False |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
False |
Inverted | Bool |
False |
Select Res Name
Select protein or nucleic acids based on their residue name.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
ALA | Bool |
False |
ARG | Bool |
False |
ASN | Bool |
False |
ASP | Bool |
False |
CYS | Bool |
False |
GLU | Bool |
False |
GLN | Bool |
False |
GLY | Bool |
False |
HIS | Bool |
False |
ILE | Bool |
False |
LEU | Bool |
False |
LYS | Bool |
False |
MET | Bool |
False |
PHE | Bool |
False |
PRO | Bool |
False |
SER | Bool |
False |
THR | Bool |
False |
TRP | Bool |
False |
TYR | Bool |
False |
VAL | Bool |
False |
A | Bool |
False |
C | Bool |
False |
G | Bool |
False |
T | Bool |
False |
rA | Bool |
False |
rC | Bool |
False |
rG | Bool |
False |
rU | Bool |
False |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
The calculated selection | False |
Inverted | Bool |
The inverse of the calculated selection | False |
Select Res ID
Select a atoms based on their res_id
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
Res ID | Int |
A single res_id selection |
None |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
The calculated selection | False |
Inverted | Bool |
The inverse of the calculated selection | False |
Select Res ID Range
Select multiple residues by specifying a Min and a Max, defining a range that includes or excludes based on the res_id
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
Min | Int |
Minimum of a res_id range selection |
None |
Max | Int |
Maximum of a res_id range selection |
None |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
The calculated selection | False |
Inverted | Bool |
The inverse of the calculated selection | False |
Select Res ID
Create a more complex selection for the res_id
field, by specifying multiple ranges and potential single res_id
numbers. This node is built uniquely each time, to the inputs will look different for each user. In the example below, residues 10 & 15 are selected, as well as residues between and including 20-100. The node was created by inputting 10, 15, 20-100
into the node creation field.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
res_id | Int |
A single res_id selection |
None |
res_id | Int |
A single res_id selection |
None |
res_id: Min | Int |
Minimum of a res_id range selection |
None |
res_id: Max | Int |
Maximum of a res_id range selection |
None |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
The calculated selection | False |
Inverted | Bool |
The inverse of the calculated selection | False |
Select Attribute
Select atoms that have true for the given attribute name.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
Name | String |
is_peptide |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
The calculated selection | False |
Inverted | Bool |
False |
Is Peptide
Select the atoms involved in a peptide chain.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
True if atoms are part of a peptide | False |
Inverted | Bool |
False |
Is Nucleic
Select the atoms involved in nucleic acid polymer.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
True if atoms are part of a nucleic acid | False |
Inverted | Bool |
False |
Is Lipid
Select the atoms involved in lipid molecules.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
True if atom is part of a lipid | False |
Inverted | Bool |
False |
Is Solvent
Select the atoms that are part of the solvent.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
True if atoms is part of the solvent | False |
Inverted | Bool |
False |
Is Alpha Carbon
Select the alpha carbons of a peptide.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
True if atom is an alpha carbon of an amino acid | False |
Inverted | Bool |
False |
Is Backbone
Select the backbone atoms of a peptide or nucleic acid polymer.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
True if the atom is part of the backbone for either an amino acid or a peptide chain | False |
Inverted | Bool |
False |
Is Side Chain
Select the side chain atoms of a peptide or nucleic acid polymer.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
Include CA | Bool |
Include the alpha carbon as part of the side chain | True |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
True if atom is part of the side chain for either an amino acid or a nucleic acid | False |
Inverted | Bool |
False |
Is Helix
Select the atoms in a alpha-helix or similar.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
Selected atoms form part of an helix | False |
Inverted | Bool |
False |
Is Sheet
Select the atoms in a beta-sheet or similar.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
Selected atoms form part of a sheet | False |
Inverted | Bool |
False |
Is Loop
Select the atoms not in a sheet or helix.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
Selected atoms form part of a loop, and not part of any secondary structure | False |
Inverted | Bool |
False |
Select Bonded
Based on an initial selection, finds atoms which are within a certain number of bonds of this selection. Output can include or excluded the original selection.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
Selection of atoms to apply this node to | False |
Depth | Int |
Number of bonds to expand the selection by | None |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
Expanded selection that includes the original selection | False |
Bonded | Bool |
Expanded Selection that excludes the original selection | False |
Select Res Whole
Expand the given selection to include a whole residue, if a single atom in that residue is selected. Useful for when a distance or proximity selection includes some of the residue and you wish to include all of the residue.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
Selection of atoms to apply this node to | False |
Expand | Bool |
Whether to expand the selection to the whole residue if at least one atom is selected | True |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
The calculated selection | False |
Select Cube
Create a selection that is inside the Empty_Cube
object. When this node is first created, an empty object called Empty_Cube
should be created. You can always create additional empty objects through the add menu, to use a different object. The rotation and scale of the object will be taken into account for the selection.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
Object | Object |
Empty object (ideally Cube) to use as the selection tool. | <bpy_struct, Object("select_cube") at 0x7f17cad86920> |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
The calculated selection | False |
Inverted | Bool |
The inverse of the calculated selection | False |
Select Sphere
Create a selection that is within a spherical radius of an object, based on that object’s scale. By default an empty object called Empty_Sphere
is created. You can use other objects or create a new empty to use. The origin point for the object will be used, which should be taken in to account when using molecules. Use MN_select_proximity
for selections which are within a certain distance of a selection of atoms instead of a single origin point.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
And | Bool |
True |
Or | Bool |
False |
Object | Object |
<bpy_struct, Object("select_sphere") at 0x7f17cad86e20> |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
The calculated selection | False |
Inverted | Bool |
The inverse of the calculated selection | False |
Select Proximity
Create a selection based on the proximity to the Target Atoms of the input. A sub-selection of the Target atoms can be used if the Selection
input is used. You can expand the selection to include an entire residue if a single atom in that residue is selected, by setting Whole Residue
to True
. In the example below, the Style Atoms
is being applied to a selection, which is being calculated from the proximity of atoms to specific chains. As the cutoff for the selection is changed, it includes or excludes more atoms. The Whole Residue
option also ensures that entire residues are shown.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Target Atoms | Geometry |
The atoms to measure the distance from. | None |
Subset | Bool |
Subset of input atoms to use for proximity calculation | True |
Expand | Bool |
Whether to expand selection to entire residue if single atom is selected | False |
Distance (A) | Float |
Cutoff distance for the selection in Angstroms | 5.0 |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Selection | Bool |
The calculated selection | False |
Inverted | Bool |
The inverse of the calculated selection | False |